10 Tips to Make Your Cozy Mystery Sell
Want to keep your Cozy Mystery reader turning pages? Then read on! Today's guest columnist is Nancy J. Cohen, sleuth writer extraordinaire. Nancy is the author of the writer's guidebook, Writing the Cozy Mystery, and she comes bearing gifts!…

Story Critiques: Tips for Ending the Trash Talk
One of my favorite literary mottoes comes from Alexander Dumas’s The Three Musketeers: “All for One, and One for All!”
I’ve often thought that any kind of critique – whether it be of a fiction manuscript or a friend’s hair…

6 Reasons Why Judging a Novel-Writing Contest Helps Your Career
If you're writing commercial fiction, you can jumpstart your career by judging writing contests.
Many aspiring authors already know the benefits of entering writing contests. These days, even the larger regional contests have celebrity judges. …

Writing Help for the Hostage Muse
As a book writing coach, I often get “True Confessions” emails from my students.
These messages – which are full of angst and guilt – start with, “I haven’t forgotten about my writing assignment…” then spew forth every…

Bust Writer’s Block: Tackle a New Genre to Flex Your Writing Muscles
Recently, I overcame a bout of writer’s block by challenging myself. Since April is Poetry Month, I entered a poetry contest. Entering that contest while I was doubting my fiction-writing skills wasn’t an easy choice. I had to overcome…

Career Killer: Sometimes Your First Book Shouldn’t Be Published
Sometimes your first book shouldn't be published.
Long before I was writing novels that sell, my first published mentor took me under her wing. After reading my manuscript for the first time, she sat me down in a public restaurant to teach…

Funny Animal Sidekicks Steal Hearts
Written By Prince Rael the Magnificent
(Transcribed by Adrienne deWolfe, aka “Minion”)
Greetings, Humans!
It is I, Prince Rael the Magnificent, writing on a subject that is near and dear to every (self-respecting) reader’s heart: …

10 Gremlins of Writers Block Doom a Good Story
Are you making progress toward your writing goals today? Or have you fallen victim to one of these 10 nefarious Gremlins from the shadowy realm of Writer's Block?
1. Mind Muncher
This warty, pug-nosed menace chews up good inspiration…

Newbie Writing Fail: The Billion Character Book
One day, after I became a bestselling author, I dragged out the first Romance manuscript I'd ever finished. Secretly, I had always believed that novel was the most wonderful story in the world. In my not-so-humble opinion, every New York editor…

The Writer Fail: When Writing Workshops Lead to Procrastination
The conversation went something like this:
Aspiring Author:
I’ve signed up for another writing workshop. Big name teacher. Spent a lot of money. I’m going to meet all these really cool best-selling authors. Ya-dah. Ya-dah. …