Writing Tips: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Genre
Whether you want to make money writing Romance, Mystery, Fantasy, or some other genre, you'll find the writing tips in today's guest post invaluable!
Please help me welcome award-winning author, Lois Winston, whose heroine-sleuth was dubbed…
Secret to Writing Novellas: A Bestseller’s Tips for Writing Short
If you’re writing for the ebook market, the ability to write short is a definite advantage:
Ebook readers prefer to download an entire series in one fell swoop.
The shorter you write, the more books you can out-put.
More published…
Amateur Writing: Do Your eBooks Give Indie Authors a Bad Name?
Picture Yours Truly indulging in a rare pleasure these days: taking time to open a new book, published by a small electronic press.
The cover of the book I’m browsing looks good. The author has been published before by this small press. …
Writers Block: Tips for Overcoming the Blank Mind Syndrome
Howdy, fellow Procrastinators! Yes, I am writing blog posts instead of my novel. ::Eh-hem:: Thought you might enjoy these words of wit and wisdom from famous authors. And then...go put your butt in your chair and compose the next scene!
Writers on Writing: The Hardest Profession in the World?
I don’t know why fiction writers seem so eager to express angst. It seems like the lion’s share of wit and wisdom expressed by authors, who are writing about their profession, focuses on one primary theme: that writing novels is HARD.
Writers on Writing: Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain
Writers on Writing: Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain
As a child, I was familiar with Tom Sawyer, but I didn't fall in love with Mark Twain until my high school Language Arts class. We were studying The Adventures of Huck Finn, which begins with…
Writers on Writing: Advice from Ernest Hemingway
Writers on Writing: Advice from Ernest Hemingway
If you’re going to listen to writing advice, you might as well listen to the most acclaimed authors in the world, right? That’s why I’m featuring this series of posts based on fiction-writing…
Writing Resources: Name a Character or Insult a Bully
Every Mage needs an apprentice, every writer needs a Muse . . . And every character needs a name.
So what writing resources do I use to create zany names for my fantasy fiction? (What, you don’t think “Queen Hoodoo,” better known…
Texas Humor: Quips and Quotes from the Lone Star State
Today, I have Texas on the brain. And not just ‘cause I live here. I'm writing dialogue for a Texas protagonist.
I gotta confess: as a born-and-raised Yankee (Pittsburgh), I didn’t have a clue how to write authentic, Texas dialect…
Speed-Writing: Not Just for NaNoWriMo Any More
Writers are such creative geniuses, that they often psych themselves out. They procrastinate until they're freaked out and desperate to meet a deadline. (At which point, they become neurotic, trapped in the throes of writer's block.)