How to Write a Novel as a Collaborative Team
How to Write a Novel as a Collaborative Team
Put one or two fiction writers in the same room, and ultimately, somebody poses the question: "Wouldn’t it be great if we could collaborate as a writing team?"
But how exactly does a “team”…

Writers on Writing: Advice from Ernest Hemingway
Writers on Writing: Advice from Ernest Hemingway
If you’re going to listen to writing advice, you might as well listen to the most acclaimed authors in the world, right? That’s why I’m featuring this series of posts based on fiction-writing…

Writing Resources: Name a Character or Insult a Bully
Every Mage needs an apprentice, every writer needs a Muse . . . And every character needs a name.
So what writing resources do I use to create zany names for my fantasy fiction? (What, you don’t think “Queen Hoodoo,” better known…

Texas Humor: Quips and Quotes from the Lone Star State
Today, I have Texas on the brain. And not just ‘cause I live here. I'm writing dialogue for a Texas protagonist.
I gotta confess: as a born-and-raised Yankee (Pittsburgh), I didn’t have a clue how to write authentic, Texas dialect…

National Novel Writing Month Starts Today
Struggling with writer's block? Want to finish a novel? Then you’re in good company! Thousands of writers around the world are gearing up to write 1 whole bonafide novel over the next 30 days as they participate in National Novel Writing…

Writer’s Relief: Help for Aspiring Authors
“Is there some deep, dark secret to getting published? Why won’t an editor buy my book?”
As a book writing coach and multi-published author, I’m asked that question a lot.
Believe me, I can empathize with the pain of aspiring…

Relief from Carpal Tunnel Pain: Tools for Writing Novels
Are you looking for relief from carpal tunnel pain while you're writing novels?
Maybe you're like me: you push to meet a deadline -- any deadline -- as a matter of pride. Forget the burning wrists, you’ve got an editor chomping…