Tag Archive for: writers on writing

New Year’s Resolution: Best Way EVER to Bust Writer’s Block
Need inspiration when the evil, blinking cursor has you befuddled, bamboozled or flat out brain-dead?
You came to the right place! As a writer, I feel imminently qualified to write to you about writing New Year Resolutions that will bust…

Writers on Writing: The Hardest Profession in the World?
I don’t know why fiction writers seem so eager to express angst. It seems like the lion’s share of wit and wisdom expressed by authors, who are writing about their profession, focuses on one primary theme: that writing novels is HARD.

Writers on Writing: Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain
Writers on Writing: Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain
As a child, I was familiar with Tom Sawyer, but I didn't fall in love with Mark Twain until my high school Language Arts class. We were studying The Adventures of Huck Finn, which begins with…

Writers on Writing: Advice from Ernest Hemingway
Writers on Writing: Advice from Ernest Hemingway
If you’re going to listen to writing advice, you might as well listen to the most acclaimed authors in the world, right? That’s why I’m featuring this series of posts based on fiction-writing…

Advice to Writers: Writing Quotes from Famous Authors
Enjoy these inspirational writing quotes from famous authors as they give advice to writers in the video, below.
I stumbled upon these inspirational writing quotes from famous authors while I was researching ideas for a speech that I've been…