Humor: 7 Stages of Fiction Frenzy while Writing a Novel
So you're writing a novel? Good for you! But be forewarned: no TRUE writer escapes the Seven Stages of Fiction Frenzy...
1. Eureka! An Idea!
Nothing is better than that first spark of inspiration. You feel alive. Your Muse is finally…

Holiday Laughs: Tips for Beating Christmas Stress
The holiday season can be stressful. If you’re as busy as I am, you may be wondering: how the heck am I supposed to gift shop, decorate, bake, party-plan, travel-plan, attend the obligatory parties, stop by the parties I’d RATHER be…

New Year’s Resolution: Best Way EVER to Bust Writer’s Block
Need inspiration when the evil, blinking cursor has you befuddled, bamboozled or flat out brain-dead?
You came to the right place! As a writer, I feel imminently qualified to write to you about writing New Year Resolutions that will bust…

10 Zingers for the (Rat-Fink) Book Editor Who Rejected Your Novel
Yes, fellow fiction writers, when it comes to writing novels and fuming about rejection letters, I can feel your pain. That’s why I created these 10 humorous zingers to take away the sting.
By the way: the inspiration for this post came…

Funny Animal Sidekicks Steal Hearts
Written By Prince Rael the Magnificent
(Transcribed by Adrienne deWolfe, aka “Minion”)
Greetings, Humans!
It is I, Prince Rael the Magnificent, writing on a subject that is near and dear to every (self-respecting) reader’s heart: …

10 Gremlins of Writers Block Doom a Good Story
Are you making progress toward your writing goals today? Or have you fallen victim to one of these 10 nefarious Gremlins from the shadowy realm of Writer's Block?
1. Mind Muncher
This warty, pug-nosed menace chews up good inspiration…

Brainstorming: The Dangers of Story Plotting in a Restaurant
So there we sat, two innocent but extremely vocal writers, brainstorming how to plot Romance novels in a restaurant. We’ll call this eatery “Benny’s.”
On this particular day, Patty had graciously agreed to reschedule her…

Muse, Write Me a Eureka Ending so I Can Finish This Novel!
I was in the throes of writing Devil in Texas, when my Muse went on vacation -- for nine months, mind you. Seriously. What writer doesn’t know how to write the ending of her Romance novel for nine FREAKING MONTHS?!
“God hates me,”…

Book Signing Survival Tips for Fiction Writers
For you new authors, who are dreading your first, official book signing, take heart.
There’s always book signing #2.
Okay, okay. I’m kidding. (Sort of.)
Earlier this year, I wrote one of my more popular posts, Humor for…

Texas Humor: Quips and Quotes from the Lone Star State
Today, I have Texas on the brain. And not just ‘cause I live here. I'm writing dialogue for a Texas protagonist.
I gotta confess: as a born-and-raised Yankee (Pittsburgh), I didn’t have a clue how to write authentic, Texas dialect…