Tag Archive for: literary device

Crime Fiction: How Mystery Writers Pen a Chilling Read (Pt 3)
(Part 3 in the 3-part series, Crime Fiction: How Mystery Writers Pen a Chilling Read)
While Mystery writers are the undisputed masters of the literary device known as suspense, writers of other popular fiction genres (Romance, Fantasy,…

Crime Fiction: How Mystery Writers Pen a Chilling Read (Pt 2)
(Part 2 in the 3-part series, Crime Fiction: How Mystery Writers Pen a Chilling Read)
Even if you aren’t writing Crime Fiction, you can learn how to write an edge-of-your-seat read by studying how Mystery writers incorporate suspense…

Crime Fiction: How Mystery Writers Pen a Chilling Read (Pt 1)
Crime fiction is wildly popular. Writing novels with spine-tingling action requires Mystery writers to study the literary device known as suspense.
Even if you aren't writing novels for the Crime Fiction market, your Romance, Fantasy,…