Tag Archive for: how to market a book

Book Marketing: Effective Management of Street Team
New York Times bestselling author, Sabrina York, is back with the third installment in her 3-part series on Street Teams. Today's installment is about effective management: the down side to running your volunteer organization. If you like this…

Book Marketing: Leveraging Your Street Team for Book Promotion
Last Friday's post by New York Times bestselling author, Sabrina York, talked about creating Street Teams for book marketing and promotion purposes. You may have wondered, “What can I assign my loyal army of fans to DO?”
Great question!…

Book Marketing for Savvy Authors: Create Street Teams
Want a loyal army of fans to promote your book for you? Then keep reading for tips! New York Times bestselling author, Sabrina York, is our guest columnist. She's so enthusiastic about sharing her book marketing help for Romance authors, that…

Book Promotion Strategy for Indie and Midlist Authors
Book Promotion Strategy for Indie and Midlist Authors
(Part 4 in the 4-part Series, Book Marketing Strategy)
Although book promotion may be an expensive proposition, a well-planned book marketing strategy can benefit fiction writers who…

Book Promotion: Good & Bad Gambles for Advertising
Book promotion can be expensive for fiction writers. You're a one-man / one-woman company, chasing after national -- even international -- sales. Yet how many Indie Fiction Authors and Midlist Authors of genre fiction have $290,000 to invest…

Book Marketing Strategy: Is Book Promotion Right for Me? (Part 2)
Before planning your book marketing strategy, you must first determine if the time and cost of book promotion will benefit your sales and career goals.
In Part I of this 4-part series on Book Marketing Strategy, I discussed, in detail, the…

Book Marketing Strategy: Is Book Promotion Right for Me? (Part I)
Book marketing strategy abounds. The bigger question is: what's the pay-off if I decide to invest the time and money in book promotion?
Only after you're armed with the knowledge to make an educated decision about book promotion will…