Tag Archive for: authors

Career Killer: Sometimes Your First Book Shouldn’t Be Published
Sometimes your first book shouldn't be published.
Long before I was writing novels that sell, my first published mentor took me under her wing. After reading my manuscript for the first time, she sat me down in a public restaurant to teach…

Tips for Authors: Electronic Autographs for eBooks
Want to give — and receive – electronic autographs for your favorite books? Then you’ll adore the free web service, Authorgraph.
Gone are the days when an author’s autograph could only be obtained during a live book signing. Authorgraph…

10 Reasons Why Authors Should Format Old Novels as E-Books
If you're an author with a backlist of previously published paperback novels, then I encourage you to consider formatting those novels as e-books. Not only are you likely to increase your passive income, you will gain far more control over…

Help! My Printer Has a Poltergeist!
I think my printer is haunted.
Now I'll admit, I'm not exactly tech savvy. I just pretend to be because I write about API's, DPI's, FPI's, and other mind-numbing acronyms ending in "PI" for a high tech company. My client, who has every…