Tag Archive for: creative visualization

Creative Visualization: Keep the Faith in Your Writing

About 25 years ago, I became determined to become a published Romance novelist – particularly in the Historical subgenre.  Ten years and a bazillion rejection letters later, I was introduced to the idea that I could work with the Universal…
Writing Novels That Sell with Adrienne deWolfe

Writing Novels with the Law of Attraction Equals Success

Ever since the third grade, I wanted to become a published novelist. By the time I reached the age of 30, my passion for writing novels had grown so strong, that I was willing to ignore an IRS report that said the average writer earns 7 cents…
Writing Novels That Sell with Adrienne deWolfe

Imagination Works Miracles with the Law of Attraction

Ever since I learned about the Law of Attraction, I've been practicing with it, working my imagination like a muscle.  As a result, I don't just apply creativity in my writing assignments. I apply creativity in my daily life. I've manifested…